17 08 2017 – 09 09 2017

The concept of the show was based on various theories of reflection in art by philosophers Vilém Flusser, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Jacques Lacan.
Artists: Julija Pociūtė, Povilas Ramanauskas, Gintarė Stašaitytė, Lukas Šiupšinskas, Dainius Trumpis, Neringa Vasiliauskaitė.
According to the curator of the show Evelina Januškaitė-Krupavičė, the meaning of a contemporary work of art is closely related to the expression of the subconscious. It makes sense to call a visual artwork a screen – a medium that renders contents. The contents of memory may be visualised only by capturing them, verbalising them, writing them down, mediating and conveying them through various art forms externally – hereby leaving a trace of the past in a personal or collective memory that takes up a small part of time and space. A daily observation of reflection becomes a usual process, while the representation of one’s own image in a work of art takes on a foundation of aesthetic experiences and questions the concept of “self-other-self”, “me-not-me.” Unconscious processes turn to creative acts, while the artist’s memory functions as a repository.
In today’s screen society dominated by image, the notions of time and space become too relative. Location is no longer a clear line of the horizon; it is rather a network for various connections and interactions to occur. Reflection is assigned the dimension of temporality which lies in a wafer-thin thread connecting the surface of the screen and the beyond of the visible. Since we cannot look beyond the reflection/appearance, the implicit dimension turns into a mystified space of memory and imagination – imaginarium, which the artists bring closer to the viewer with their works.