Židrija Janušaitė


06 10 2017 – 28 10 2017

Longing for something I cannot explain in words.
A prolonged state of yearning. It stretches.
It is neither the past nor a specific place, nor a person.
Perhaps it is imaginary moments, when I had all the time in the world…
Touching. Touches happen in any space. Then something else happens.
Sort of a transmission. As if a drop fell into water and made ripples. We are woken up by the touches of space and time.
These touches give impulse for a new journey towards ourselves, towards this untimely space where we can meet with others. Where a permanent change, motion and knowledge is.
Touches happen for you to experience, to stay, open up, awake, realise and give back.
Židrija Janušaitė